пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

bob capes realtors

Well thereapos;s bad news and good news, really. The bad news is that Bodge was going into heart failure. The good news is that this is actually caused by his hyperthyroid (heart failure is the main cause of death in hyperthyroid cats because their little hearts canapos;t keep up). So, the muscle wall in his heart has thickened which means itapos;s not functioning very well, which has caused a fluid build up in his chest and abdomen.

Heapos;s back on the meds and now has two extra lots of medication; to get rid of the fluid and to try to fix the heart itself. Heapos;s going to love that. Oh, and the damned anaemia was caused by the fricking fleas weapos;ve been stuck with all year I think weapos;ll be going back to frontline/advantage every two weeks for a while and perhaps hitting the backyard with cleansing flame.

But, anyway, heapos;s home again, still trying to get his appetite back, and still very weak because heapos;s barely eaten for a week. Hopefully once the diuretics take hold heapos;ll get rid of some of the fluid thatapos;s squishing his little insides.

Also, thereapos;s nothing quite so sad looking as a kitty whoapos;s had his belly shaved bald for an ultrasound.
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