суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

betty crocker cookie recipe

Crazy week. Weapos;re a phone company. We have whatapos;s basically a "super" phone line that brings in 24 phone lines and letapos;s have 100 dialable numbers ontop of that. Itapos;s what many businesses use for their phone service. This is a dedicated phone circuit guarenteed to not be down and up time of 99.99

Our phone service has been out since Wednesday afternoon. So imagine if youapos;re trying to sell a reliable phone equipment solution and people are trying to call you.. And they get a busy signal. Yeah.. We probably already lost two big deals because of this because 1.. They canapos;t get throught. 2. It looks pathetic.

So yeah. Last night I went to Baltimore to do some work.

I promptly left my fuckin ATM card in the ATM machine. So I luckily had grabbed 80 bucks from there and the tech I brought with me was really cool and paid for a lot of my stuff to help me out. I owe him big. I still feel like such a dumbass.

But Alina and Mike came to hang out in B-more last night. Went up to the Turtle, then this little blues acoustic rock bar which was cool. Then the horse you rode in on too. Fortunately those two are cool and were able to help cheer myself up.

I was given some awesome b-day presents which include a vinyl copy of The Good The Bad and The Argyle. RAD. A vinyl of the NoFX/Rancid self cover split. HUNGRY HUNGRY HIPPOS. Two transformers gummy candies. And a card. Super cool.

Today, we all went around B-more. I was hungover as shit. I seriously havenapos;t felt this shitty probably before I was 21. Seriously.. Ugh. I couldnapos;t eat, was probably rather bad looking and yes. Bad.

The aquarium was super rad. Such an awesome place. Then just walking around some more food and then home.

I got my AppleTV (parentapos;s Bday gift) and Iapos;m getting all my shit copied to it now. Iapos;m also now looking to hack it so I can play ripped DVDs and stuff from Hulu and ABC directly.

I always find it funny that people complain about things like AppleTV not being completely open. However, the people that complain always come up with hacked ways to do what they want. I want AppleTV mostly for iTunes TV show.

Iapos;m just sticking to the couch tonight. I have no money. I have to grab some cash from the bank tomorrow now. So weird. 5 to 7 business days w/o a card. Lame.

collaborative design works, betty crocker cookie recipe, betty crocker cookie mixes, betty crocker cookie mix, betty crocker cookie cookbook.

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