воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

big love fleetwood mac lyrics

Mon 8-4 thur 8-4 fri 8-4 sat 10-6
Is my work schedual this week first off.
Second off what the fuck would you all like for christmas, and donapos;t give me that nothing shit or Iapos;ll leave a brown paper bag on fire full of dead babies on your door step dammit?

On other things my jobs going all right I keep getting praised by every one including people I donapos;t know. ._.; Iapos;m just like huh? Apparently I will go far within the company, I hear the store manager praising me like 4 times a day. XD Iapos;m just like um k? I scared him in training when I had every awnser 100 correct and was done fast. XD Meh they move me around where they need me its a bit tiring and stuff but its alright kinda boring at times. I now get a 10 discount for me and my family, as well as one three days a year near chrismas, easter and some other holiday I get 20. To lazy to post much more so later days.

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career communications

In the last couple of weeks, at home: saw a white fall-blooming crocus (C. Ochroleucus?...sp.?...�something like that...).� Saw a purple one this past week:�C. Species-something�or saffron crocus.

Today: Went to Longwood Gardens with B.L. And A.L.�(mother and daughter).� Saw waterlilies -- wanted to be sure to see them before we had a frost.� Gardener working in the central pond, with the waterplatters.� Took a quick trip through the Childrenapos;s Garden while we were in the vicinity.� Some of the camellias in the East Conservatory starting to bloom.� Went back outside -- pumpkin, squash and gourd displays outside the Peirce-du Pont house, too.� Prickly pear cactus in fruit in the arid/desert garden by the Open Air Theater.� Went down the Flower Garden Walk on our way to see Gothic treehouse -- I think thatapos;s my�favorite of the treehouses.� It�has a great view over the lake, too.� The�treehouse with the tree coming up right through it is also pretty cool,�and being able to walk up a ramp to�it is such a neat concept.� Took a quick�walk around the formal rose garden on our way to the Hillside Garden.� Roses there still in bloom -- as Iapos;ve noted in previous posts, this year many of them were Meilland roses.��By the Hillside Garden,�waterfall was�already turned off -- I was surprised.� Fairy roses still blooming.� Lavender asters and Japanese�anenomes�blooming.� Next we headed towards the�Idea Garden.� Garden railroad�up�and running.� Went through the Perennial Garden.� I�didnapos;t know there were irises that bloomed in the�fall.� In the area outside the vegetable garden and fruit tree�section were pumpkins, squashes and gourds, labeled�as to cultivar, so we could see what the names of all the ones in the various displays around Longwood were.� Went back through herb garden and Idea Garden rose�garden.� Several of the shrub roses still blooming.� We�saw�a lot�in roughly two hours.�

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exemples de contrats

The fair was such a sham. I�really donapos;t remember it being that expensive the last time I went (freshman year, I�think) because I remember going on like 3 rides. Glad I�didnapos;t physically watch the Rays game last night. I�only like watching games where the team Iapos;m on the bandwagon for ends up winning. I�think I might be having lunch with the Alligator kids today. Jon is the coolest, Iapos;m so happy weapos;re friends. Gotta see when Ana comes back from the 305... I�want to go visit those hoapos;s with their newly increased collective citizenship level... And possibly hula hoop. I have a new playlist in my head I need to make. Iapos;ve been having a hard time getting creative for this project... But alas, today I�shall finish my postcard design. Maybe I�can use Brianapos;s laptop to do it on InDesign... Hmm. Entourage tonight. That Marky Mark is crazy. Didnapos;t catch SNL, Yamille... Gotta see if I�can find some clips online later. I canapos;t wait for this weekend. Water balloons for boobies, more bacon than any small country should be allowed to eat, Hennessy (maybe), parties all over the place, and the best crowd decked out in orange and blue. Gonna finish my costume today. Iapos;m happy with the response Iapos;ve gotten so far. Itapos;s going to be a bitch spraying that wig, but weapos;ll see. Iapos;m gonna go eat some unborn chickens. : (

Say hi to your mother for me, okay?

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

betty crocker cookie recipe

Crazy week. Weapos;re a phone company. We have whatapos;s basically a "super" phone line that brings in 24 phone lines and letapos;s have 100 dialable numbers ontop of that. Itapos;s what many businesses use for their phone service. This is a dedicated phone circuit guarenteed to not be down and up time of 99.99

Our phone service has been out since Wednesday afternoon. So imagine if youapos;re trying to sell a reliable phone equipment solution and people are trying to call you.. And they get a busy signal. Yeah.. We probably already lost two big deals because of this because 1.. They canapos;t get throught. 2. It looks pathetic.

So yeah. Last night I went to Baltimore to do some work.

I promptly left my fuckin ATM card in the ATM machine. So I luckily had grabbed 80 bucks from there and the tech I brought with me was really cool and paid for a lot of my stuff to help me out. I owe him big. I still feel like such a dumbass.

But Alina and Mike came to hang out in B-more last night. Went up to the Turtle, then this little blues acoustic rock bar which was cool. Then the horse you rode in on too. Fortunately those two are cool and were able to help cheer myself up.

I was given some awesome b-day presents which include a vinyl copy of The Good The Bad and The Argyle. RAD. A vinyl of the NoFX/Rancid self cover split. HUNGRY HUNGRY HIPPOS. Two transformers gummy candies. And a card. Super cool.

Today, we all went around B-more. I was hungover as shit. I seriously havenapos;t felt this shitty probably before I was 21. Seriously.. Ugh. I couldnapos;t eat, was probably rather bad looking and yes. Bad.

The aquarium was super rad. Such an awesome place. Then just walking around some more food and then home.

I got my AppleTV (parentapos;s Bday gift) and Iapos;m getting all my shit copied to it now. Iapos;m also now looking to hack it so I can play ripped DVDs and stuff from Hulu and ABC directly.

I always find it funny that people complain about things like AppleTV not being completely open. However, the people that complain always come up with hacked ways to do what they want. I want AppleTV mostly for iTunes TV show.

Iapos;m just sticking to the couch tonight. I have no money. I have to grab some cash from the bank tomorrow now. So weird. 5 to 7 business days w/o a card. Lame.

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bucket caps

Iapos;ve spent the last while attempting to upload a file to trickster, which is where my website lives. The file is 29MB and the transfer keeps failing with about 10MB to go, which is driving me slightly crazy. Iapos;d really like to get this file online so I can squee about it. *g* Iapos;m using Cyberduck, which has always worked beautifully for me before, though Iapos;ve never uploaded anything this large; is there some kind of trick to this which Iapos;m not figuring out, or something?

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atural disasters

Io sar� vento...

continuo a pensare al mio ex.�

Non capos;� nulla da fare, ogni cavolo di volta che torna � come se il mondo si fermasse e tutto torni a 10 anni fa.

Sono due giorni che continuo ad addormentarmi intenerita come solo un coniglietto spaurito potrebbe essere, e a pensare che lo vorrei l�.�L� vicino a me.
Oppure lo vorrei fuori dalla mia vita per sempre.

Oggi parlavo di lui con una mia amica a colazione.

A. � tornato, dicevo.
Cancellalo dalla tua vita, rispondeva lei.

NON�POSSO. Non posso, quando torna A. Non capos;� niente intorno.�Nulla. Torna lui, fermi tutti, non si respira, non ci si muove, tutto diventa ovattato, passione pura, ma anche infinita tenerezza e malinconia. Ma non la malinconia che ti distrugge, ma quella che ti fa addormentare accoccolata sotto le coperte con solo gli occhi di fuori perch� non vuoi far scappare i tuoi pensieri.

Quando torna A. Capos;� un punto. Una grossa pausa. Lui se ne va e tutto ci� che era rimasto ibernato si scongela e riprende un ritmo regolare, anche il mio cuore.

Considerato il fatto che capos;� una persona, che � lapos;essere umano pi� puro che abbia conosciuto, magnifico, stupendo, bellissimo, dolce, coccolone, che mi adora (per� non � che abbia tanto capito in che posizione stiamo...)...tutto diventa confuso e certamente tutto � difficile.

Prenderei una decisione, la impachetterei e me la metterei nel taschino, se solo fosse cos� facile.
Il fatto che io abbia talmente potere decisionale su me stessa quanto un gattino bagnato che miagoler� (trullallero trullall� effettivamente potrebbe essere un ostacolo.

A. � tornato.
Dice L, una delle mie migliori amiche, che finquando non lo vediamo di persona, che torna fisicamente, sono tutte panzane.

Ah� quando la L. Ha ragione, ha ragione.

ps:ho dormito 3 ore. Questo obnubila la mia razionalit� che gi� � abbastanza misera.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

barnwood cabinet corner

Early in the morning gotta go to CGH for my medical appoinment at 11.40am. =.=
Went there, not very happy with the noob doctor. If you are curious, come ask me lor.. Hopefully I can still remember it after 1 month of hell.. Lolx

Ok la.. Now to what I really wanna blog about.

Thanks Andrea and Claris for your farewell gift (sweater). Iapos;m very touched... Though I didnapos;t gave Andrea any bday prezzie.. =X Feeling bad ler.. Must buy her something when I return from Aus.

Shout out to those who wished me a bon voyage today, I hope I can name them all..
Ray, Bryant, Shin, Jing Quan, Gerry, Hafiz, John, Hao Yi, Kenneth, Kenneth (another one..), Alson, Raymon, Dex, Wan Qi, Ge Yun, Andrea, Claris, Wen Xuan, Esther, Marie.

Iapos;ll be back in 1 monthapos;s time. Feel free to flame here.. LOL
I DONapos;T REALLY WANNA GO.........
Iapos;ll miss you all.

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